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Congist’24 - Social Sciences and Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Practice

Congist’24 - Social Sciences and Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Practice



Date: December 18-20, 2024

Location: Istanbul University Faculty of Letters


Istanbul University Faculty of Letters

Erasmus University Rotterdam School of Philosophy (Scientific Partner Institution)

Silence in analogue and digital communication in Western modernity: interdisciplinary perspectives on its phenomenology and change

This conference seeks to explore how changes in the conditions, means, and opportunities of communication in the Western world since 1800 have affected the perception and the evaluation of silence and concealment. Silence is understood broadly as the absence of communication where it could have been expected or relevant, and as encompassing forms of concealment.

(Self)Care in Discourse (13th International Conference Diskurs – Interdisziplinaer)

The 13th conference of the international network Diskurs Interdisziplinaer (DI 13) will be dedicated to (self)care in microsocial and macrosocial discourses, in a thematic continuity with the two previous conferences on Discourse linguistics beyond Big Data (DI 11, IDS Mannheim) and Discourses of/in disruption (DI 12, TU Dresden).<

IADA: The dialogic dimension of the digital

The nature of dialogue has changed significantly in a digitally interconnected society.  As a result, the question What is dialogue? is more relevant than ever. Different disciplines have approached it from various vantage points, including linguistics, philosophy, ethics, communication, cultural anthropology, cognitive psychology, sociology, argumentation, pragmatics, and logic, among others. The sequence of action and reaction (Weigand 2010) has taken on new implications in the digital medium.

8th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Structure, Use, and Meaning (SUM)

The 8th edition of SUM puts forward a wide array of interdisciplinary topics centred around language structures and practices in today’s context marked by significant global shifts such as migration, globalization, intercultural communication, and digitalization. The chosen topic has stirred the interest of scholars involved in various fields of research.

Discours idéologique et discours publicitaire dans les médias et les universités

Submitted by Ina Motoi on Fri, 03/15/2024 - 16:38

Université Technique Cluj-Napoca, Centre Universitaire Nord Baia Mare, Roumanie
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada
Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo, Brésil
Faculdade Cásper Líbero, Brésil
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brésil
vous invitent à participer à la quatrième Conférence internationale sur la
ayant comme thème
Discours idéologique et discours publicitaire dans les médias et les universités
les 6-7 septembre 2024 à Baia Mare, Roumanie

Intersectionality in Discourse, Literature, and Culture Studies


Republic of Tunisia

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of Kairouan

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Department of English


In collaboration with Laboratory of Approaches to Discourse (LAD) at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Sfax, Tunisia.





Approaches to social semiotics and social media

The 20th century marked many new approaches to linguistic enquiry, including an interest in the interplay between multiple resources to construe meaning, as well as a focus on the social dimension of language and the way language is informed by specific social, cultural and institutional contexts. The interplay between linguistic and non-linguistic resources, and particularly the visual medium, have been the subject of a number of semiotic and multimodal theories.

Look Who’s Talking: Voices and Sources in the News

Having established a solid reputation in research into journalism theory and journalism practice, the Brussels Institute for Journalism Studies (BIJU) is proud to launch its fifth call for papers for a new international conference. The topic for this year will be voices and sources in the news. As always, our conference is multidisciplinary.