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Being “resilient” and achieving “resilience”: from governmental discourses to the national research agenda in the contexts of the cost of living crisis.

The Centre for Population Health Sciences at the University of Southampton invites you to a multidisciplinary webinar entitled:

Being “resilient” and achieving “resilience”: from governmental discourses to the national research agenda in the contexts of the cost of living crisis.


Dr Sara Vilar-Lluch, School of English, University of Nottingham,

20 July, 2022, 1-2pm UTC+1: Presentation of the Crisis Discourse Blog and its Covid-19 special edition at IFES via Zoom

On 20 July, 1-2pm, you will have the occasion to discuss, with CriDis editors, including Dr Christiane Barnickel, Dr Elena Dück and Dr Amelie Kutter, the just-launched Crisis Discourse Blog and its Covid-19 special edition. Authors of the Covid-19 special edition will also be present. They will present their work at the Viadrina Institute of European Studies (IFES), the home of the workshop where contributions to the special edition originated. Dr Anja Hennig will facilitate the discussion.